Caprica S2 at Beginning of Line is brought to you with limited commercial interruption by Kossler Geminom Vodka.
Previously on Caprica:
Haidee, a Caprican teenage girl gamer, meets Tad, a teenage neighbor with a strange interest in V-World's deadwalkers. Together, they navigate a harsh new V-World game called "The Flood," in which a deadwalker makes all the rules. (Episode Twelve - posted 5/18/11)
Caprica Season 2, Episode Thirteen
Climbing Mountains
by Robson Lima
It was that colour. The persistent yellow. The different shades of it! In the walls of stone, in the clothes of some of the others who lived in the temple. In a short time, Lacy Rand went from having a polytheist faith to...something else. Living on Gemenon had changed her. No, it wasn’t just the yellow planet and its dark-blue nights. Of course, there was Odin Sinclair and the others, the precious handful of acquaintances from the training fields. There were the lessons about the One True God. The One and True God, she thought, that loves us all. She turned her head to the writing in front of her and read:
— The One True God is who differentiates good and evil. Mankind does not have the right to decide good or evil for itself. Whoever places their mind beside God’s will may decide...
“Too academic”, Lacy added in a footnote, “it has to sound more...faithful”. It’s not a frakking Academy essay. Why is this so hard? I should be able to talk more freely about matters of faith, right? I am the Blessed Mother. Oh yeah. A blessed mother...
The abyss between thinking and action. It seemed so wide, like on the day she decided to embrace the gift that Zoe (or God, she couldn’t decide which) gave her; total control of the cylon units in the STO’s hands. It didn't take long for Lacy Rand to become the youngest woman to hold the title of Blessed Mother, which was reasonable considering that she had an army waiting just outside the door. Not that her control over them was ostensible after that night.
The fact was, Lacy was not a warrior. She knew that. STO personnel knew that as well.
A blessed mother.
— I'm no mother, she whispered. No mother to human or cylon.
It had been two weeks since Clarice Willow showed up on Gemenon requesting “divine recognition of the differently sentient.” Lacy remembered Willow’s voice, gesture and intonation when she first told her those exact words. After the satisfaction of seeing Willow, her former torturer, so dependent on her, came anguish. Her muscles trembled, a fine stream of sweat trickled down her forehead, and there was a shortness of breath. Then the scent... of Clarice’s attic.
Lacy rushed out onto the nearest balcony, took a deep breath and looked out. From there, she could see part of the nearest city in the East. Below, men and women in the inner plaza of the temple. Down at the Temple’s complex, behind a rock formation and below everything, the STO camp. I still don’t feel comfortable with it. God is not war. How can He be? But...on the other hand, and Lacy turned to the cylon she kept for personal protection, the cylons aren’t God's creation. Zoe’s dad made them. Cylons are a human creation. They know only what we tell them, right? But Zoe, the other one, she was different. She is different. Human... didn’t she ask me about that? About what makes me so different from her? And I said “Nothing”? So why all this now? Yeah, Clarice can go to hell or worse, but she has a point about this cylon thing, doesn’t she?
And then Lacy started to walk, first in circles, and then straight to her private room, with the sound of her cylon's mechanical footsteps announcing themselves before her like a marching band. It entered in the room first, then stood by the entrance, as usual, with its red eye accompanying her movements as she closed the door.
— Thank you, she said, looking to it as usual.
It looked back at her, the red eye became fixed at her face.
— What?
No response.
— You don't usually look at me like that.
What if this isn't the first time it’s doing it, but the first time I’m seeing it happening? Lacy didn’t recall keeping a long eye contact with it or anyone in a long time. Zoe did the same when she was in that robot. Slowly, she raised her hand to touch the robot’s face. Could it be? The red eye looked to her hand and back to her eyes. And again, the shortness of breath... all the experiences of the past months, Zoe and the MAGLEV train, the very first time she told her about God — not the ones she heard in church, school, or named in jokes and stories, but the One who meant something else for Zoe — and the terrible attic, the horror of the STO blowing people up and killing others in the name of the One. Balthazar. Tears started to descend in a wave of pure and simple pain. As a reflex, Lacy wrapped her arms around the cylon's neck and lowered her head. She and the cylon stood still, Lacy attempting to repress her tears, and the cylon with icy compliance.
After some time Lacy released the cylon. She wiped her tears from the chrome with her scarf. — You could do it yourself next time.
Lacy turned her eyes away from the robot and checked the place, looking for anything misplaced or unfamiliar to her (one of the tips Odin gave to her while ago, shortly after that night, later known in some circles as “a robot rampage”). In her early days as Blessed Mother, she grew suspicious of some members of the Council, and it seemed a good idea to take this sort of precaution. And the big killing machine that reminded her of her beloved friend, of course. All was quiet now but it turned into a habit, to check her bedroom and any other place she expected to spend some time. Special attention was given to chairs, lounges, beds of any kind. Becoming comfortable is the first step toward death, she thought. It’s a song from the V-Club. Yes, I remember: “Shattered dreams in a poisonous stream, walking forward, taking a step, becoming comfortable is the first step toward death.” Lying on her bed, Lacy looked at the bedroom again. It was simple, with a bed, a closet, something-that-should-have-been a desk by the right side of the door, next to a balcony. From that one, she had a view of the sea and the rocks below. And that always-yellow sun, yellowing the rocks, the temple stones, the clothes she wore. It was different from Caprica, which seemed more mild. Not here. Everything around her is so ancient and historic. Even that cylon she insisted on keeping near her.
— I hate this place. There, I said it! I hate every single rock of this temple and every single monotheist in all of twelve worlds!
The cylon stood still. As always.
— Frakking cylon! Useless piece of junk! she shouted and now stood near it. If you’re so gifted with consciousness and everything, why you don’t say something?! I'll give you one shot!
Lacy Rand received silence as her answer. She sighed, then said to the robot:
--- Give me my holoband.
She lay on her bed again.
This place was the new sensation in V-World. Many believed that the remodeling of New Cap City was a result of the actions of someone that actually bet the game. Time passed and no convincing explanation was found. Nor a radical remodeling made by game programmers (or a single hacker), some unknown user that had bet the game (and the changing was just “part of the game”) or even an act of wrath from the Avenging Angels. All the users knew was that their access was restricted, those who still had it, and signs were scattered throughout the valley; all saying that the times have changed and violence and other destructive behaviors no longer would be tolerated. None of these signs were physical. Strong winds that blew off the trees and heavy rains took people's minds off causing trouble. With time, people just stopped coming. It became what it was meant to be (some said): a paradise. But there were always the few that keep coming. These few built a agrarian culture and the prototype of a cult that, Lacy believed, much resembled the monotheism that she represented. Except for some random quotes from the Sacred Scrolls and a accent on mystical thought oriented to some kind of worship of nature, of course.
She appeared near the outside wall of the giant temple build around the mountains. The Center of the World.
— So you came again, said a man’s voice from behind her, I’m glad you did.
Lacy smiled and looked back.
— Paul! It’s good to see you too!
After a long hug, they split and started to walk toward the main gate, arms around each other. Lacy always found him attractive, but a little too old for her at thirty-one. He was young-looking, but there was something about his straight beard and the way he did not brush his hair, showing off that he doesn’t belong. A poser, some would say. Anyway, Lacy liked him; his company, his conversation and, of course, a confident charm that comes with age.
— Have you heard? Some citizens of the Temple finally managed to clear the path to the high tower.
— Seriously?
— Yes. I helped with some of it, but I wasn’t around when the last rock came down. It’s unusual, you know, the way those rocks were stopping the passage. They were, how can I put it...piled like boxes, not the way rocks would pile.
— Maybe is just an error with the visual script. Happens all the time in V-World, it's too much information. You can expect minor errors like this.
— Yes, this would be normal anywhere else in V-World, Diana (Lacy's V-World handle. Anonymity was important). But look where we are. You’re walking, and each of the leaves flying behind you is following a different path. I know something about programming, and I can’t get enough of this place! You know there are many programmers here researching...
— …the codes that form the kernel of this place. And there’s also the Taurons who want to see green fields, the Capricians role-playing Sagittaron life and ways...
— And the monotheists too.
The word “monotheists” triggered a change in Lacy's behavior, almost like a post-hypnotic suggestion, a defense mechanism. She lifted her chin and added a derisive tone to her voice. She turned to him and said:
— What about them?
— They’re here too, don’t you know?
— I’ve heard of them, of course, but I don’t think I've ever encountered one.
— You would be surprised.
Where is this conversation going? She smiled. Paul smiled back, and continued:
— But seriously, what you think about them?
OK, Paul. I’ll play along.
— I don’t know. I find their absolute idea of good and evil a little troubling.
— How so?
— See... people having one arbiter of good and evil could seem better. I get that. But if you stop to think about it, it’s not easy to have only one path. I studied the path of Athena, I told you before, and it’s all about love and knowledge. But there’s Jupiter and the others, offering other ways to see and live, you know? Then here come the monotheists saying that we’re all wrong and they’re right. It doesn’t feel good, you know? I'd better switch things up. I’m starting to sound like an idiot. And there’s another thing: if there is only one god that's all good and peace and love, how can this same god be a fountain of evil, pain and grief? — That's a lot of thought to give a subject you know know little about, Paul said with another smile, a larger one.
— And you look like someone who has a different point of view.
— I do have something different to say about it. But there’s the main gate. Let’s pass these people, and then we'll talk about it again.
— Yeah, Lacy answered. That reminder that if weren’t for the nickname and persona she played here, she'd be in trouble here and the real world, gave her a strange feeling of both happiness and fear. Wouldn’t be good to be a virtual martyr. Or a real one.
--- Here's a topic. Terrorism. Blowing things up to make a point. I don't get it.
Lacy returned the previous discussion, since they were inside the temple walls. What am I doing? Can I trust this guy?
— It’s not so hard to understand, Paul replied.
He ignored the surprise in her face and continued:
— If we go from the premise that a single and almighty God can establish good and evil, reaching the line of thought allowing one kill another in name of this God wouldn't be hard. Any justification will be valid as long that it comes from the One True God dogma.
— Even if this justification goes against something the believer has within, like not killing others because life is sacred? What about conscience?
— I though you would say something like that. If one believes that there’s a god who gives life, a single God, it also means that this God can dispose life as he/she/it pleases, right? If you make something, you own this thing.
— You are starting to sound darker than usual, Paul.
-- Am I? I’m sorry, didn’t mean to.
He complimented a young woman with blond hair at his left. They were walking across the inner hall. It has some similarities with the Temple on Gemenon, but that was probably a coincidence. Temples and shrines built repeating a geometric pattern (in this case and Gemenon’s, a square) weren’t new. There were temples back in Kobol that had this architecture. What was his underlying point in all this? Or he is just playing Devil's Advocate, as usual?
— The One True God is who differentiates good and evil. Mankind does not have the right to decide good or evil for itself. Whoever places their mind beside God’s will may decide...
“Too academic”, Lacy added in a footnote, “it has to sound more...faithful”. It’s not a frakking Academy essay. Why is this so hard? I should be able to talk more freely about matters of faith, right? I am the Blessed Mother. Oh yeah. A blessed mother...
The abyss between thinking and action. It seemed so wide, like on the day she decided to embrace the gift that Zoe (or God, she couldn’t decide which) gave her; total control of the cylon units in the STO’s hands. It didn't take long for Lacy Rand to become the youngest woman to hold the title of Blessed Mother, which was reasonable considering that she had an army waiting just outside the door. Not that her control over them was ostensible after that night.
The fact was, Lacy was not a warrior. She knew that. STO personnel knew that as well.
A blessed mother.
— I'm no mother, she whispered. No mother to human or cylon.
It had been two weeks since Clarice Willow showed up on Gemenon requesting “divine recognition of the differently sentient.” Lacy remembered Willow’s voice, gesture and intonation when she first told her those exact words. After the satisfaction of seeing Willow, her former torturer, so dependent on her, came anguish. Her muscles trembled, a fine stream of sweat trickled down her forehead, and there was a shortness of breath. Then the scent... of Clarice’s attic.
Lacy rushed out onto the nearest balcony, took a deep breath and looked out. From there, she could see part of the nearest city in the East. Below, men and women in the inner plaza of the temple. Down at the Temple’s complex, behind a rock formation and below everything, the STO camp. I still don’t feel comfortable with it. God is not war. How can He be? But...on the other hand, and Lacy turned to the cylon she kept for personal protection, the cylons aren’t God's creation. Zoe’s dad made them. Cylons are a human creation. They know only what we tell them, right? But Zoe, the other one, she was different. She is different. Human... didn’t she ask me about that? About what makes me so different from her? And I said “Nothing”? So why all this now? Yeah, Clarice can go to hell or worse, but she has a point about this cylon thing, doesn’t she?
And then Lacy started to walk, first in circles, and then straight to her private room, with the sound of her cylon's mechanical footsteps announcing themselves before her like a marching band. It entered in the room first, then stood by the entrance, as usual, with its red eye accompanying her movements as she closed the door.
— Thank you, she said, looking to it as usual.
It looked back at her, the red eye became fixed at her face.
— What?
No response.
— You don't usually look at me like that.
What if this isn't the first time it’s doing it, but the first time I’m seeing it happening? Lacy didn’t recall keeping a long eye contact with it or anyone in a long time. Zoe did the same when she was in that robot. Slowly, she raised her hand to touch the robot’s face. Could it be? The red eye looked to her hand and back to her eyes. And again, the shortness of breath... all the experiences of the past months, Zoe and the MAGLEV train, the very first time she told her about God — not the ones she heard in church, school, or named in jokes and stories, but the One who meant something else for Zoe — and the terrible attic, the horror of the STO blowing people up and killing others in the name of the One. Balthazar. Tears started to descend in a wave of pure and simple pain. As a reflex, Lacy wrapped her arms around the cylon's neck and lowered her head. She and the cylon stood still, Lacy attempting to repress her tears, and the cylon with icy compliance.
After some time Lacy released the cylon. She wiped her tears from the chrome with her scarf. — You could do it yourself next time.
Lacy turned her eyes away from the robot and checked the place, looking for anything misplaced or unfamiliar to her (one of the tips Odin gave to her while ago, shortly after that night, later known in some circles as “a robot rampage”). In her early days as Blessed Mother, she grew suspicious of some members of the Council, and it seemed a good idea to take this sort of precaution. And the big killing machine that reminded her of her beloved friend, of course. All was quiet now but it turned into a habit, to check her bedroom and any other place she expected to spend some time. Special attention was given to chairs, lounges, beds of any kind. Becoming comfortable is the first step toward death, she thought. It’s a song from the V-Club. Yes, I remember: “Shattered dreams in a poisonous stream, walking forward, taking a step, becoming comfortable is the first step toward death.” Lying on her bed, Lacy looked at the bedroom again. It was simple, with a bed, a closet, something-that-should-have-been a desk by the right side of the door, next to a balcony. From that one, she had a view of the sea and the rocks below. And that always-yellow sun, yellowing the rocks, the temple stones, the clothes she wore. It was different from Caprica, which seemed more mild. Not here. Everything around her is so ancient and historic. Even that cylon she insisted on keeping near her.
— I hate this place. There, I said it! I hate every single rock of this temple and every single monotheist in all of twelve worlds!
The cylon stood still. As always.
— Frakking cylon! Useless piece of junk! she shouted and now stood near it. If you’re so gifted with consciousness and everything, why you don’t say something?! I'll give you one shot!
Lacy Rand received silence as her answer. She sighed, then said to the robot:
--- Give me my holoband.
She lay on her bed again.
This place was the new sensation in V-World. Many believed that the remodeling of New Cap City was a result of the actions of someone that actually bet the game. Time passed and no convincing explanation was found. Nor a radical remodeling made by game programmers (or a single hacker), some unknown user that had bet the game (and the changing was just “part of the game”) or even an act of wrath from the Avenging Angels. All the users knew was that their access was restricted, those who still had it, and signs were scattered throughout the valley; all saying that the times have changed and violence and other destructive behaviors no longer would be tolerated. None of these signs were physical. Strong winds that blew off the trees and heavy rains took people's minds off causing trouble. With time, people just stopped coming. It became what it was meant to be (some said): a paradise. But there were always the few that keep coming. These few built a agrarian culture and the prototype of a cult that, Lacy believed, much resembled the monotheism that she represented. Except for some random quotes from the Sacred Scrolls and a accent on mystical thought oriented to some kind of worship of nature, of course.
She appeared near the outside wall of the giant temple build around the mountains. The Center of the World.
— So you came again, said a man’s voice from behind her, I’m glad you did.
Lacy smiled and looked back.
— Paul! It’s good to see you too!
After a long hug, they split and started to walk toward the main gate, arms around each other. Lacy always found him attractive, but a little too old for her at thirty-one. He was young-looking, but there was something about his straight beard and the way he did not brush his hair, showing off that he doesn’t belong. A poser, some would say. Anyway, Lacy liked him; his company, his conversation and, of course, a confident charm that comes with age.
— Have you heard? Some citizens of the Temple finally managed to clear the path to the high tower.
— Seriously?
— Yes. I helped with some of it, but I wasn’t around when the last rock came down. It’s unusual, you know, the way those rocks were stopping the passage. They were, how can I put it...piled like boxes, not the way rocks would pile.
— Maybe is just an error with the visual script. Happens all the time in V-World, it's too much information. You can expect minor errors like this.
— Yes, this would be normal anywhere else in V-World, Diana (Lacy's V-World handle. Anonymity was important). But look where we are. You’re walking, and each of the leaves flying behind you is following a different path. I know something about programming, and I can’t get enough of this place! You know there are many programmers here researching...
— …the codes that form the kernel of this place. And there’s also the Taurons who want to see green fields, the Capricians role-playing Sagittaron life and ways...
— And the monotheists too.
The word “monotheists” triggered a change in Lacy's behavior, almost like a post-hypnotic suggestion, a defense mechanism. She lifted her chin and added a derisive tone to her voice. She turned to him and said:
— What about them?
— They’re here too, don’t you know?
— I’ve heard of them, of course, but I don’t think I've ever encountered one.
— You would be surprised.
Where is this conversation going? She smiled. Paul smiled back, and continued:
— But seriously, what you think about them?
OK, Paul. I’ll play along.
— I don’t know. I find their absolute idea of good and evil a little troubling.
— How so?
— See... people having one arbiter of good and evil could seem better. I get that. But if you stop to think about it, it’s not easy to have only one path. I studied the path of Athena, I told you before, and it’s all about love and knowledge. But there’s Jupiter and the others, offering other ways to see and live, you know? Then here come the monotheists saying that we’re all wrong and they’re right. It doesn’t feel good, you know? I'd better switch things up. I’m starting to sound like an idiot. And there’s another thing: if there is only one god that's all good and peace and love, how can this same god be a fountain of evil, pain and grief? — That's a lot of thought to give a subject you know know little about, Paul said with another smile, a larger one.
— And you look like someone who has a different point of view.
— I do have something different to say about it. But there’s the main gate. Let’s pass these people, and then we'll talk about it again.
— Yeah, Lacy answered. That reminder that if weren’t for the nickname and persona she played here, she'd be in trouble here and the real world, gave her a strange feeling of both happiness and fear. Wouldn’t be good to be a virtual martyr. Or a real one.
--- Here's a topic. Terrorism. Blowing things up to make a point. I don't get it.
Lacy returned the previous discussion, since they were inside the temple walls. What am I doing? Can I trust this guy?
— It’s not so hard to understand, Paul replied.
He ignored the surprise in her face and continued:
— If we go from the premise that a single and almighty God can establish good and evil, reaching the line of thought allowing one kill another in name of this God wouldn't be hard. Any justification will be valid as long that it comes from the One True God dogma.
— Even if this justification goes against something the believer has within, like not killing others because life is sacred? What about conscience?
— I though you would say something like that. If one believes that there’s a god who gives life, a single God, it also means that this God can dispose life as he/she/it pleases, right? If you make something, you own this thing.
— You are starting to sound darker than usual, Paul.
-- Am I? I’m sorry, didn’t mean to.
He complimented a young woman with blond hair at his left. They were walking across the inner hall. It has some similarities with the Temple on Gemenon, but that was probably a coincidence. Temples and shrines built repeating a geometric pattern (in this case and Gemenon’s, a square) weren’t new. There were temples back in Kobol that had this architecture. What was his underlying point in all this? Or he is just playing Devil's Advocate, as usual?
And now, a word from our sponsor...
And now, back to "Climbing Mountains..."
— I don’t get it, Paul. Do you support these bombings, or what?
Paul raised his eyebrows and looked at Lacy in a exaggerated manner. He laughed.
— Of course not. After all, if there is a single god which is all good and love, on what grounds could one human kill another with God’s approval?
Lacy was been driven by anxiety and curiosity as the conversation continued. Now they were climbing endless stairs to reach the upper tower. They both spoke in a almost whisper in order to not disturb others who were walking around the temple praying or meditating. Sometimes one of them bowed their head towards someone. Smiles and gestures. Pretty much like home.
— Ever wondered how these monotheists know about their god?
— By the gods, Paul! — and Lacy was proud of her use of expression “by the gods”. Sounded so genuine. — How should I know? They must have books or stories, like we do.
Paul stopped. Lacy only noticed after she'd taken two steps away from him. And then, something in the air, in the programming of the atmosphere, wasn’t right. Going over it in her mind, ever since they got into the Temple, the air was different. The people were acting strangely. Adrenaline began to flow through her. Slowly, Lacy twisted her wrist allowing access to a dagger she carried, if necessary. There was a door next to Paul. A possible escape route. Hey, it's V-World, she reminded herself. I can just remove the band. Without turning, she asked:
— Who are you Paul? And why has no one stopped us since we got in? This place is supposed to be hard to find. I took weeks to find it and it only took me weeks because I knew... God! I can’t tell him! — Because I have skills. Frak!
— Are we, Diana?
Is he testing me?
— Are we what, Paul?
— Are we both polytheists?
I don’t feel anger in his voice. Or sadness. Actually, what do I feel in his voice again?
— Are you?
Paul took a step toward her.
— Don’t take another step Paul, and she brought her left hand closer to the dagger, please. I really don’t want you out of here. If this is like New Cap City, he’ll probably never be back.
— You don’t have to worry about me... Diana.
— Why is that?
Silence. Lacy turned to him. His right forefinger was at his forehead. Lacy returned the gesture. — We, who are brothers in belief, greet each other, they both said.
— You scared me, Paul. Really.
— Sorry. But this was part of the plan.
— The plan?
— Yes. We’ve been working on this place for some time, now. We did not create it, we do not know who or what did, but we do know that this place was made with a purpose. We brought you here, Blessed Mother, so you could help us with this puzzle.
Blessed Mother .
— I will do what I can. But I don’t understand. You know more about programming than me. What kind of help I could give?
Paul opened the door next to him and extended his arm toward it. Lacy approached the door.
— There’s just black. A failure?
— Not at all. When someone enters, a personal ID is required. None of us has it. The voice said you were the gatekeeper.
— The voice?
— Go inside, and you will know.
Lacy entered the room as Paul stood outside. She kept walking to where she believed to be the center of the room. Except for the light from the door she entered, which was very weak now, there was no light. If weren't for the fact that she was in a virtual room, she wouldn’t call this place a room at all. A pale infinity symbol was on the floor. Is it? Lacy leaned over and touched it with her hand. She heard the door shutting. What...?!
— Sorry about the door, but I need to say something, and it’s only meant for you.
Lacy couldn’t move. It sounded like her friend, but there was something about the way she spoke that wasn’t right.
— Zoe? Is that you?
— Not really. I am a recorded message to be delivered to Lacy Rand. I was left behind by Zoe. — And where are you?
— You can’t see me. I don’t have a avatar. I am just a program. A sentient program, true, but just a program. Even the cylons who live here now are, if there's a hierarchy of intellect, more evolved than I am. Lacy couldn’t help to smile.
— Yeah, you really aren't Zoe! She'd never admit anything was smarter than she was.
— I may have some flaws in my vocabulary. It has been a while since anyone has come here.
— About that... you said that cylons live here? In V-World?
— That is correct.
— But how is that possible?
— I do not know the details, but I do know that somehow the cylons managed to connect with the V-World, and since this temple and its surroundings are poorly inhabited by humans, they started to come here. And there is something about the encoding of this place, but I can’t tell you that. I do not know that, actually. I am, how do I say it? Guessing.
— I see. So everyone I've seen since I came to this temple was a cylon in the real world? Including Paul?
— Not everyone. Generally, I cannot tell the difference, because there is none. Not in this world. But the three who came here before you, including your acquaintance, Paul, are cylons, I am sure. In order to be able to perform my task, I can scan any avatar that steps on or touch the key.
— The symbol.
— Yes.
— So give me your message, program.
-- Certainly. It came from Zoe Graystone.
Then the voice changed to a natural voice. Lacy closed her eyes, and she couldn't tell the difference between the recording and Zoe's voice.
--- Lacy, I know you've been through a lot. I don’t know how things are in the real world, but I hope you find this place in a better state than I’m leaving it. My parents asked me to come and stay with them, and I decided to give them a chance. Dad thinks he can help make me a real body! I’m so excited! And a little worried. You see, I reshaped New Cap City. You've probably figured it out by now. I did it because, well, because I could. And because I couldn’t stand that place! It was just like the V-Club, you know? All that attitude and false liberty that made them... ugh! I won't waste time on that anymore. I guess... what I really wanted to say... is that I miss you Lacy. And I want to hold you again, you know? Not here, out there! That’s why I'm leaving. I hope we’ll meet again, God-willing. So say we all, right?
Lacy was crying.
— That is all, Lacy Rand.
— Now what?
— The door is open and my task is done.
— Sure.
She walked back to the corridor and to Paul, who was still waiting.
— So? What was it?
— It was a message for me.
— Was it personal? Or there were something in there addressed to us?
— No, nothing. I think you cylons have to find your way, just like we do.
— So, you know.
— She told me. Lacy pointed to the door, now closed.
— She? So a human created this place?
— What are you talking about?
— The root code, the beginning of the encryption. Is behind that door.
— I see. Well, you don’t have to worry about anything when digging up code inside that room. There’s nothing harmful there. I have to go, I think.
— I understand. We appreciate your help, Blessed Mother Diana.
— Diana is not my real name. And you still haven’t told me how you know I am the Blessed Mother.
— I know it, because I guard you with my life, ma'am.
Lacy was shocked. And Paul noticed.
— Is it so hard to understand?
— No, is not that... is just... Look, I’m sorry about the whole “piece of junk” thing.
Paul smiled.
— It’s already in the past.
— Why you don’t talk to me in the real world?
— We believed that it was better for you to know about all this here, where you wouldn’t be deceived by appearances. We are starting to know that humans tend to perceive reality as fixed and constant, which it is not true. That, and my voice modulator is broken or non-existent.
— I see. One more thing before I go.
— Yes?
— Why do you keep saying “we”? On whose behalf are you speaking?
— I speak in the name of all the cylons we could find on Twelve Colonies, the ones who professed belief in the One.
— So Clarice Willow is not all wrong.
— Not in this particular matter. About everything else, well...
— Don’t bother finishing that.
Lacy Rand, the Blessed Mother, removed her holoband, placed it near her pillow and looked up at the stars. The yellow was gone. And Caprica was clear in the night sky. So they are more than just robots. Just like the advertising says. And Clarice. I know she has her own agenda, and it probably includes having me killed. But if they are alive, in the deep sense of the word, they are children of the One too, right? She is preaching in V-World, to humans and cylons. If they can already make their own avatars... And Odin will give me the report from the defensive lines in the North. The police are quiet, but for how long, with all this anti-STO feeling on the streets? Oh God, help me.
She looked to the cylon standing by her door and said:
— Paul, can you get me some ambrosia? I have a long night ahead of me, and I need some motivation, please.
Paul raised his eyebrows and looked at Lacy in a exaggerated manner. He laughed.
— Of course not. After all, if there is a single god which is all good and love, on what grounds could one human kill another with God’s approval?
Lacy was been driven by anxiety and curiosity as the conversation continued. Now they were climbing endless stairs to reach the upper tower. They both spoke in a almost whisper in order to not disturb others who were walking around the temple praying or meditating. Sometimes one of them bowed their head towards someone. Smiles and gestures. Pretty much like home.
— Ever wondered how these monotheists know about their god?
— By the gods, Paul! — and Lacy was proud of her use of expression “by the gods”. Sounded so genuine. — How should I know? They must have books or stories, like we do.
Paul stopped. Lacy only noticed after she'd taken two steps away from him. And then, something in the air, in the programming of the atmosphere, wasn’t right. Going over it in her mind, ever since they got into the Temple, the air was different. The people were acting strangely. Adrenaline began to flow through her. Slowly, Lacy twisted her wrist allowing access to a dagger she carried, if necessary. There was a door next to Paul. A possible escape route. Hey, it's V-World, she reminded herself. I can just remove the band. Without turning, she asked:
— Who are you Paul? And why has no one stopped us since we got in? This place is supposed to be hard to find. I took weeks to find it and it only took me weeks because I knew... God! I can’t tell him! — Because I have skills. Frak!
— Are we, Diana?
Is he testing me?
— Are we what, Paul?
— Are we both polytheists?
I don’t feel anger in his voice. Or sadness. Actually, what do I feel in his voice again?
— Are you?
Paul took a step toward her.
— Don’t take another step Paul, and she brought her left hand closer to the dagger, please. I really don’t want you out of here. If this is like New Cap City, he’ll probably never be back.
— You don’t have to worry about me... Diana.
— Why is that?
Silence. Lacy turned to him. His right forefinger was at his forehead. Lacy returned the gesture. — We, who are brothers in belief, greet each other, they both said.
— You scared me, Paul. Really.
— Sorry. But this was part of the plan.
— The plan?
— Yes. We’ve been working on this place for some time, now. We did not create it, we do not know who or what did, but we do know that this place was made with a purpose. We brought you here, Blessed Mother, so you could help us with this puzzle.
Blessed Mother .
— I will do what I can. But I don’t understand. You know more about programming than me. What kind of help I could give?
Paul opened the door next to him and extended his arm toward it. Lacy approached the door.
— There’s just black. A failure?
— Not at all. When someone enters, a personal ID is required. None of us has it. The voice said you were the gatekeeper.
— The voice?
— Go inside, and you will know.
Lacy entered the room as Paul stood outside. She kept walking to where she believed to be the center of the room. Except for the light from the door she entered, which was very weak now, there was no light. If weren't for the fact that she was in a virtual room, she wouldn’t call this place a room at all. A pale infinity symbol was on the floor. Is it? Lacy leaned over and touched it with her hand. She heard the door shutting. What...?!
— Sorry about the door, but I need to say something, and it’s only meant for you.
Lacy couldn’t move. It sounded like her friend, but there was something about the way she spoke that wasn’t right.
— Zoe? Is that you?
— Not really. I am a recorded message to be delivered to Lacy Rand. I was left behind by Zoe. — And where are you?
— You can’t see me. I don’t have a avatar. I am just a program. A sentient program, true, but just a program. Even the cylons who live here now are, if there's a hierarchy of intellect, more evolved than I am. Lacy couldn’t help to smile.
— Yeah, you really aren't Zoe! She'd never admit anything was smarter than she was.
— I may have some flaws in my vocabulary. It has been a while since anyone has come here.
— About that... you said that cylons live here? In V-World?
— That is correct.
— But how is that possible?
— I do not know the details, but I do know that somehow the cylons managed to connect with the V-World, and since this temple and its surroundings are poorly inhabited by humans, they started to come here. And there is something about the encoding of this place, but I can’t tell you that. I do not know that, actually. I am, how do I say it? Guessing.
— I see. So everyone I've seen since I came to this temple was a cylon in the real world? Including Paul?
— Not everyone. Generally, I cannot tell the difference, because there is none. Not in this world. But the three who came here before you, including your acquaintance, Paul, are cylons, I am sure. In order to be able to perform my task, I can scan any avatar that steps on or touch the key.
— The symbol.
— Yes.
— So give me your message, program.
-- Certainly. It came from Zoe Graystone.
Then the voice changed to a natural voice. Lacy closed her eyes, and she couldn't tell the difference between the recording and Zoe's voice.
--- Lacy, I know you've been through a lot. I don’t know how things are in the real world, but I hope you find this place in a better state than I’m leaving it. My parents asked me to come and stay with them, and I decided to give them a chance. Dad thinks he can help make me a real body! I’m so excited! And a little worried. You see, I reshaped New Cap City. You've probably figured it out by now. I did it because, well, because I could. And because I couldn’t stand that place! It was just like the V-Club, you know? All that attitude and false liberty that made them... ugh! I won't waste time on that anymore. I guess... what I really wanted to say... is that I miss you Lacy. And I want to hold you again, you know? Not here, out there! That’s why I'm leaving. I hope we’ll meet again, God-willing. So say we all, right?
Lacy was crying.
— That is all, Lacy Rand.
— Now what?
— The door is open and my task is done.
— Sure.
She walked back to the corridor and to Paul, who was still waiting.
— So? What was it?
— It was a message for me.
— Was it personal? Or there were something in there addressed to us?
— No, nothing. I think you cylons have to find your way, just like we do.
— So, you know.
— She told me. Lacy pointed to the door, now closed.
— She? So a human created this place?
— What are you talking about?
— The root code, the beginning of the encryption. Is behind that door.
— I see. Well, you don’t have to worry about anything when digging up code inside that room. There’s nothing harmful there. I have to go, I think.
— I understand. We appreciate your help, Blessed Mother Diana.
— Diana is not my real name. And you still haven’t told me how you know I am the Blessed Mother.
— I know it, because I guard you with my life, ma'am.
Lacy was shocked. And Paul noticed.
— Is it so hard to understand?
— No, is not that... is just... Look, I’m sorry about the whole “piece of junk” thing.
Paul smiled.
— It’s already in the past.
— Why you don’t talk to me in the real world?
— We believed that it was better for you to know about all this here, where you wouldn’t be deceived by appearances. We are starting to know that humans tend to perceive reality as fixed and constant, which it is not true. That, and my voice modulator is broken or non-existent.
— I see. One more thing before I go.
— Yes?
— Why do you keep saying “we”? On whose behalf are you speaking?
— I speak in the name of all the cylons we could find on Twelve Colonies, the ones who professed belief in the One.
— So Clarice Willow is not all wrong.
— Not in this particular matter. About everything else, well...
— Don’t bother finishing that.
Lacy Rand, the Blessed Mother, removed her holoband, placed it near her pillow and looked up at the stars. The yellow was gone. And Caprica was clear in the night sky. So they are more than just robots. Just like the advertising says. And Clarice. I know she has her own agenda, and it probably includes having me killed. But if they are alive, in the deep sense of the word, they are children of the One too, right? She is preaching in V-World, to humans and cylons. If they can already make their own avatars... And Odin will give me the report from the defensive lines in the North. The police are quiet, but for how long, with all this anti-STO feeling on the streets? Oh God, help me.
She looked to the cylon standing by her door and said:
— Paul, can you get me some ambrosia? I have a long night ahead of me, and I need some motivation, please.
Caprica ©2010, Syfy. A Division of NBC Universal.
Beginning of Line is a fan site with no affiliation to Caprica, Syfy, or NBC Universal. You should totes know that.
And "Climbing Mountains" belongs to Robson Lima. No, the characters aren't his, and he can't get paid for it, but if you want to reprint it anywhere, it'd be nice if you asked.
Beginning of Line is a fan site with no affiliation to Caprica, Syfy, or NBC Universal. You should totes know that.
And "Climbing Mountains" belongs to Robson Lima. No, the characters aren't his, and he can't get paid for it, but if you want to reprint it anywhere, it'd be nice if you asked.